
Level 4 extended until 11.59pm on Friday 27 August 2021

Level 4 extended.  Rembuden Kendo Training remains suspended.  Stay safe at home.  Stay in your bubbles. Stay safe. If you are dying to do some kendo: It only takes about 20 minutes to do 1000 suburi men strikes.  Really good for you.  Everyone has 20 minutes to spare EVERY DAY.



COVID Alert Level 4: Kendo Training Suspended

While Wellington and the rest of NZ is at COVID level alert 4, Rembuden Kendo Training is of course suspended. Wellington remains at level 4 for three days until 20 August, Friday 11.59pm.  Before then there will be further news and developments regarding what will occur.  This could include extension of level 4, reduction in level etc. Keep an eye out here for when training will resume and under what conditions.


17 July 2021: Saturday Training


23 June 2021: Wellington at COVID Alert Level 2

We are at level 2 until 11.59pm Sunday 27 June . Training will proceed, but with Level 2 restrictions.  No training in armour.  If you were at one of the locations of interest within the times listed on the Ministry of Health's website, follow the instructions provided.  if you are not feeling well - please stay at home.  


01 May 2021: Godo-geiko with Yoshinkan Kendo Club

Members of Yoshinkan Kendo Club were invited to participate in training together.  Kendo was the winner on the day.